We are one community from all nations connecting people to God, to others, and to their purpose
Grace to the Nations is a
multicultural intergenerational church where you will encounter Jesus Christ, experience the power of the Holy Spirit, grow in God's Word, reach out to the world around you and fulfill your God inspired purpose.
Building Families
Uniting Cultures
Psalms 2:8
"Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance..."
We Are Committed to:
Reaching out and connecting with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds with the message of Jesus' love and grace.
Each person developing a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ
Assisting singles, families, and youth in building solid lives grounded in God's Word.
Each person experiencing the power of God's Spirit and living with an expectation that He can do the impossible and miraculous.
Worshipping God with our praise, our giving, and our daily lifestyles.
Serving one another and our community.
Prayer as a part of our daily relationship with God, and interceding together to see His purpose realized - extending the Gospel of Christ's grace to the nations.
OUR CREED...We Believe
In the divine inspiration, accuracy and infallibility of the Bible.
In the trinity of the eternal God-head: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
In the reality of the devil.
In the immortality and conscious existence of the soul.
In the corruption of humanity due to the sin of Adam and Eve.
In the substitutionary atonement for the sin of humanity made by Jesus Christ when He shed His blood and died on the cross.
In salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and not by the efforts or works of mankind.
In new spiritual birth, through belief in and confession of Jesus Christ.
In the inclusion of all people, regardless of race, gender or social class, in equal forgiveness, grace and missional opportunity.
In the free moral willpower of each person, who can turn from faith and be lost.
In living in holiness, through surrender and consecration, by God’s grace.
In the victorious life by Bible study, a consistent prayer life, fellowship with believers and service.
In living a daily lifestyle that is a Godly example to the world.
In water baptism by immersion at an age of accountability as a witness of salvation.
In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
In the anointing of oil and prayer for the sick.
In divine healing and deliverance through the power and Name of Jesus’ Christ.
In remembering Christ’s death and resurrection by partaking of the Lord’s Supper, also called Communion.
In foot washing as a symbol of both humility and spiritual cleansing.
In honoring the Lord's Day as a privilege rather than as legalism.
In the Church composed of believers and followers of Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior
In church governance, accountability and submission to those in spiritual authority over us.
In tithing as God’s financial plan of blessing for both the individual and for missional purpose.
In the evangelization and discipleship of the nations of the world.
In the sacredness of all human life, worthy of dignity and protection.
In marriage, created and blessed by God, as the union of one man and one woman joined to live together, and the family as the core of society and the Church.
In obedience to civil government wherein it does not violate the Laws and Commands of God.
In the personal, literal, and bodily return of Jesus Christ.
In a final Day of Judgment and eternal punishment in a literal hell for those who have refused to believe in and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
In the physical resurrection of our bodies at the return of Christ.
In eternal life in a literal heaven with the Lord for all true followers of Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
We believe that because of God’s grace, a miraculous transformation takes place in our hearts and lives when we believe in Jesus, no matter how broken, how disgraced and how far we have fallen! It is that same grace that causes us to grow into being people that act like Jesus and impels us to extend His grace to others. 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 3:23-24; 2 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 3:7
We have faith in God’s wondrous and unfathomable love that compelled Him to send His Son Jesus to rescue us from our shame and sin. We gladly receive that lavish love, and in turn, we love God with our whole being, and then extend that love to others. Luke 10:27; John 3:16; 1 John 4:16; 1 Corinthians 13
We are certain Jesus Christ saves, heals, delivers, provides and empowers with the same supernatural power today as He did when He walked this earth. Faith in Him is key to walking daily in confidence, victory, and purpose, fully trusting in God’s Word and faithful character. For we know that all things are possible to those who believe. Matthew 19:26, Hebrews 13:8; Matthew 17:20; Hebrews 11:1
The Lord has made freedom a primary goal for every believer. Therefore, we have boldly committed to live daily in that freedom, not returning to the captivity of sin and shame, and to contend for liberty for all who are downcast, broken hearted, addicted and oppressed. Luke 4:18;
Hebrews 13:3; John 8:6; Galatians 5:13; Matthew 10:8
Christ’s passion was for people from every nation and language. Therefore, we are committed to extending His grace and love to diverse people groups. We are devoted to honoring cultural distinctive, celebrating ethnic heritage, and empowering both men and women equally to develop multi-faceted gifting. We are devoted to creating an environment of inclusivity and dignity, with equal value and opportunity regardless of race, socio-economic status or gender, centered around our mutual faith in Christ Jesus. Psalms 2:8; Matthew 28:19-20; Galatians 3:26-28; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
We believe that we each can be empowered to live and serve God in our generation through the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is through His Holy Spirit that God demonstrates His miracle working power in our lives, through speaking in tongues and by the supernatural gifts and fruit of His Spirit.
Acts 1:8; Acts 2:2-4; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
We believe that because of what Jesus has given us, we now have a holy obligation to give back to the Lord and His purposes. We do so by generously serving and giving of our time, talents and finances to His work. Luke 6:38; Matthew 20:26: Philippians 2:3-7; Matthew 6:33; 2 Corinthians 9:6-14; Matthew 25:14-30
We are committed to letting our faith in Christ be seen in the lasting fruit of our daily lives as we demonstrate Biblical principles in the stewardship of our finances and resources, the consistency and integrity of our words and actions and our dedication to excellence. Philippians 1:10; Colossians 3:23; Romans 16:19-20
Impacting our world, both locally and globally, with the love and power of Jesus is the divine and pressing call of every believer and of the Church. It is a privilege to blend our gifts and efforts together, to become the heart, voice and hand of Christ to those around us and the extension of His passion for people to the world. Mark 16:15-17; 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9
Our Stance
Statement Regarding Supreme Court Decision
On Same-Sex Marriage
The Supreme Court’s decision has created a flurry of emotion around the nation. Some are angry, disillusioned and even fearful, while others are joyous and celebrating. There is widespread confusion about what the legal ramifications are for Christians, for Christian business owners, and for pastors and churches with the entrance of this court decision.
We, at Grace To The Nations, understand marriage to be established by God, not originated or defined by mankind. It is a covenant between a man and a woman for the purpose of companionship, partnership and childbearing. Our ministers are authorized to officiate over and solemnize marriages only between a man and a woman. Our Grace to the Nations Creed states:
“We believe in marriage, created and blessed by God, as the union of one man and one woman joined to live together, and the family as the core of society and the Church.”
Though many find the Supreme Court’s decision alarming and even a cause for fear, we at Grace To The Nations see this as a call for the Church to renew its commitment to minister God’s message of grace and salvation with compassion, clarity, and confidence. The Gospel of Jesus has prevailed and even expanded for two-thousand years in the midst of persecution, godlessness, and corrupt governments. In fact, the darker the environment, the brighter its message has shone; the more severe the persecution, the greater its transforming impact!
So how should we as Christians respond? Just as Jesus did in the midst of the corrupt, violent and polytheistic Roman occupation of Israel, Jesus never wavered from the commands and laws of God but was able to live a holy life. Even though He never compromised His Heavenly convictions, He lived and led in such a way that people were drawn to Him, even when their lifestyles did not line up with Kingdom values. He was known as the “Friend of Sinners” but those within His influence didn’t stay in their sin. Their lives were ultimately transformed by the power of His presence. His presence and words brought true dignity to the soul and freedom from cultural labels and sinful identities.
Every one of us at birth carried certain inclinations, traits, and cultural or family values that ultimately robbed us of our true identity as children of God. It was Jesus’ purpose to restore our spiritual DNA through the shedding of His own blood on the cross. It is only through faith in and relationship with Him that all those sin-traits can be transformed into God-traits.
The truth is even Christians are in a transformation process. We are not sinless people, but sinners saved by grace, working out our salvation daily. This means we must always walk in humility while continuing to be courageous in conviction; that we will be a people who offer healing and hope for those who are broken and hurting; that we will boldly stand for truth, but always speak that truth with the motivation of love and compassion.
As we carry out our mission of grace in our neighborhoods and city, let us also commit to pray fervently for our nation and its leadership; pray that God will use this Supreme Court decision to awaken the Church, bring about whole-hearted repentance from apathy, and sweep across our nation transforming hearts and lives. What our nation needs most is not a ruling or legislation that comes from a human court, but the transforming power of a visitation of God’s Spirit.
Pastors Rae and Obed Orozco and the Grace to the Nations Leaders